2017年2月6日 星期一

Radical 19-1 石shí, stone

Radical 19-1  shí, stone
“Careful ! A large piece of rock is falling from a cliff ! “
The character shí , rock, clearly shows a cliff from which a rock is falling. represents the cliff face, while symbolises the rock.
If we put the character Shǒu () “hand” next toshí we get the character tuò which means “to open” or “to develop”, 開拓Kāi tuo.  拓荒tuò Huāng means “to work the land“.

It is an expression that conveys the importance of stone in human civilisation. Indeed, the first tools with which man worked the land and gave birth to agriculture were made of stone, long before the use of metal was developed.

有心打石石成心打石石Yǒuxīn dǎ shí shíchéng zhēn, wúxīn dǎ shí shí wú hén "A willing heart can grind a stone down to a needle, an unwilling heart cannot even scratch the surface."

This Chinese proverb refers to the virtues of patience and love but above all the desire to get things done. It is a virtue that oriental culture holds dear and which many psychologists, for example Laurence Steinberg, one of the greatest authorities on adolescent-related issues, recognise as being very important. The desire to get things done with dedication and perseverance can bring surprising results in terms of success, but also self-confidence and contentment. Tending expertly to a vegetable garden, can be more therapeutic than years of psychotherapy.

As the Latin saying goes, “res non verba!” “Actions speaklouder than words!”  https://kidshoubo.jimdo.com

©兒童手搏文創Kids Shou Bo Arte Cultura & Saggezza Cinese Elaborated by M°Dante Basili /M°Stefano Danesi  Translated by Neil Berry

